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Tinea treatment capitis leitlinie gabriele ginter tbl2 graz

In this article, we will discuss two common fungal infections that can affect the skin and scalp: tinea versicolor and tinea capitis. We will explore the different treatment options available for these conditions and provide you with valuable information to help manage and alleviate these uncomfortable symptoms.

Tinea Versicolor: An Overview

Tinea versicolor, also known as pityriasis versicolor, is a common fungal infection that affects the skin. It is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Malassezia, which naturally occurs on the skin. This condition is characterized by the appearance of discolored patches on the skin, usually on the chest, back, arms, or neck.

The exact cause of tinea versicolor is still not fully understood, but factors such as hot and humid weather and a weakened immune system can contribute to its development. The patches may appear lighter or darker than the surrounding skin, and they can be itchy or cause mild discomfort.

Treating Tinea Versicolor

When it comes to treating tinea versicolor, oral ketoconazole is a commonly prescribed antifungal medication. Ketoconazole works by inhibiting the growth of the fungus, helping to reduce the symptoms and eliminate the infection.

Oral Ketoconazole for Tinea Versicolor

It is important to follow the prescribed dosage and complete the full course of treatment to ensure the complete eradication of the infection. Additionally, topical antifungal creams and shampoos may be recommended to complement the oral medication and prevent the recurrence of tinea versicolor.

Tinea Capitis: A Hair and Scalp Infection

Tinea capitis, also known as scalp ringworm, is a fungal infection that affects the scalp and hair follicles. It is more commonly seen in children, but adults can also develop this condition. Tinea capitis is highly contagious and can spread through direct contact with infected individuals or contaminated objects such as combs or hats.

The symptoms of tinea capitis may include red, scaly patches on the scalp, brittle hair, and itching. In severe cases, hair loss and swollen lymph nodes may occur.

Treating Tinea Capitis

When it comes to treating tinea capitis, oral antifungal medications are usually prescribed. One commonly used treatment option is griseofulvin, which works by stopping the growth of the fungus in the hair follicles and preventing it from spreading.

Oral Treatment of Adult Tinea Capitis

It is important to note that treatment for tinea capitis may take several weeks or even months to completely eliminate the infection. During this time, it is essential to maintain good hygiene practices, such as washing bedding and combs regularly, to prevent reinfection.

Final Thoughts

Both tinea versicolor and tinea capitis can be uncomfortable and frustrating conditions to deal with. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment, it is possible to manage and eradicate these fungal infections. Remember to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Always complete the full course of prescribed medication and follow any additional recommendations provided. By taking the necessary steps, you can regain healthy and beautiful skin and hair, free from the discomfort of these fungal infections.