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Exercises shin splints tibial stress medial syndrome running help exercise physio pain foot ankle aka training injuries programme

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Great Recovering Stretches For Shin Splints

Image of Great Recovering Stretches For Shin Splints

Shin splints can be a common problem among athletes, especially runners. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your shins, these recovering stretches can help alleviate the symptoms and promote healing.

Exercises for Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (AKA 'Shin Splints')

Image of Exercises for Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (AKA 'Shin Splints)

Medial tibial stress syndrome, also known as 'shin splints,' is a common injury among runners and other athletes. It manifests as pain along the shinbone and can be quite uncomfortable. However, with these simple exercises, you can speed up your recovery process and get back on track.

Recovering Stretches

1. Calf Stretches: Start by standing facing a wall, with your hands placed on the wall at shoulder height. Take a step back with your affected leg and keep your heel on the ground. Lean forward, feeling the stretch in your calf muscle. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat three times on each leg.

2. Toe Raises: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and rise up onto your tiptoes. Hold for a second and lower your heels back down. Repeat 10-15 times, gradually increasing as you feel more comfortable.

3. Ankle Circles: Sit on a chair and lift one leg off the ground. Rotate your foot in a circular motion, both clockwise and counterclockwise. Perform 10 circles in each direction and switch legs.

4. Shin Stretches: Sit on a chair and cross one ankle over the opposite knee. Gently press down on the raised foot until you feel a stretch in the front of your shin. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other leg.

Remember to start these exercises slowly and gradually increase the intensity. If the pain persists or worsens, it is important to seek medical advice.

Shin splints can be a hindrance to your training routine, but with proper care and recovery exercises, you can get back on your feet in no time. Incorporate these stretches into your routine and see the difference it makes in relieving pain and promoting healing.

Stay active, stay fit!